Parker Jackson Wilderness Photography
Intimate encounters with nature

About the data

This page automatically updates as I add new encounters and related data to my website, but it's also very much a work in progress because there's a bunch of old content that I still haven't added -- so, some of these totals are much lower than reality. Over the course of time, I'll be adding more of my historical content and I'll update this message when these totals are much more complete. Check back regularly to see what I've added!

Documented totals (so far*):

Wildlife: 215 encounters; 275 moose

On trail: 979 activities; 5,573 miles

Total vertical incline: 1,016,892 ft.; decline: 1,057,396 ft.

I think it's fun to quantify all sorts of things in life, and a big part of why I've incorporated all the data on this website is to keep it honest and also amuse my personal curiousity about the specifics.

As much as I would love to have a perfect record of every encounter and adventure, there are big portions of my adult life when I didn't have a camera or GPS -- and so that ~10 year period is excluded. Since 2008 I've been fairly consistent with photography and GPS, but some large gaps remain. The GPS data is separate from my photos and it was last updated on 2023-11-10.

My photo journal has several big gaps because of an unfortunate lightning strike at the house that fried several years of photos on an important backup drive. There's also a lot of old content that just takes time to sort through, and those older shots are more generally focused on simple landscapes.

Want to see the hiking data on a map!?
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